The wind within my feet

A romantic notion and one we need in our lives after this surreal 2020 year we have had all over the world.
When it’s global it is scary but yet at the same time, it’s also comforting to know we are all in this together, every one of us in our own way.
Let’s romanticise for a little – face it, we all deserve a little bubble-living, some day-dreaming to get us through.
Let the wind swirl within your feet as you look back.

Your 2020 Year ….

Each of us have something to think fondly on, to see through positive eyes, and yes, even feel good about.  Just that one thing has happened to every one of us during each month of 2020.

Initially, I did have to dig down, deeply some months, to find 12 such moments.  The more I looked back however, I in fact found some months were so awesome that I could not decide on one moment only. 

No Rules

Good thing there are no rules here, we can find as many as we want, the more the merrier. So take the time to look back on the year and find the good, the better, the momentous, the happy, the joyful, the fun, even silly, and always special. Bring those memories to the fore and take them with you into 2021.

Your 2021 Year ….

Times are tough all over the world and individually for some, they may feel monumental.  So let’s dwell as much as we can on what we can make happen, what we can (and will) change positively within ourselves, within our lifestyle, within our circle of family and friends.

If each and every one of us does that, we will find our way back to being together again – healthily, safely, lovingly and for our future.

This is my last Blog for 2020, and the momentous part for me is that it is my first blog being posted onto my new Irish website.  This is one more exciting and positive achievement which I am taking into 2021, as I continue to share my own journey.  Ones’ future is paved by ones’ past, our present and our attitude going forward.

Romanticise and let the wind swirl within your feet.

#WeGotThis #StaySafe #MakeLifeHappen #Believe #NoRegrets

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