Our Life’s Bubble

Every so often we simply find ourselves climbing into our Life’s Bubble, our Happy Bubble

You see, bubbles are free from gravity.  They encircle us, they are see-through, and at the same time, all-protecting

Why not climb in?  Let’s roll around in it, experiencing the fun, the free of the moment

And still we will know what lies outside – the serious, the real, life itself!

So we watch the outside from inside.  Take the fun times, the gravity-free moments, and

Just like Raindrops.  They envelope the perfect happiness, they glisten, always falling intact, completely encircular.  Until they reach their destination when they burst open and just do life!!

So let’s climb into one, roll freely within it.  Let gravity take us down and settle us where we need to be

Life creates these raindrops for us, just when we want, need and let them to be there for us.  Where they fall is then up to us

Stay inside until you are ready to burst out and be life

Our bubbles of happiness give us that moment, that space, that ability to stay within.  Still seeing out to find what we are looking for

Maybe not the complete package, but drop by drop, bubble by bubble, we can find that place. 

Realise that dream.  Live that moment

Rain is invaluable for growth, to live, eat, drink and survive

It also is that very bubble of joy that we all need to pop into every now and then

So climb in, float, look out and find your you!

When the rain falls around you, follow it, look for your bubble and know it’s there just for you

Nature gives us so much happiness and joy to be thankful for

Don’t overlook life’s happy bubbles all around us when it rains

Just like bringing life to nature, she brings life to us.  When we look for it

#StaySafe #LifesBubbles #RaindropsAreLife #EncircularLife

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