Learn to be happy right now

Don’t wait for things to change, or even get better, otherwise you may run out of time

Every morning nature restarts her time, embraces the new day and provides a clean canvass to fill with colourful beauty

Aspirations are what we are all about
As a small, developing bud, always aspire to be as beautiful, spectacular, vibrant, glowing, fabulously layered and cleverly created as the blazing, incredible flower alongside you

Taking into our new days all that is positive, colourful and awesome from previous days

Always making the changes we want for ourselves.  Always pushing forward, fulfilling our dreams, always being happy

Make it happen your way, in your time.  Do it now!

Paint your adventure across your own sky.  Turn on your spotlight and shine

Have fun and be happy, right now, and every new moment ahead

#StaySafe #MakeLifeHappen #AspireAndFulfil

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