Is the question one Aspires to Inspire?

Or is it Inspire to Aspire?


Over the years I have been both – often aspiring in many aspects of my life.  To do better, to feel better, to grow, be stronger, to take over my world today (for right now, or forever, however large or small it may be).


Being inspirational to those aspiring to be (a part of) you, should come naturally, it can’t be forced.  Sometimes one doesn’t even realise how inspirational they are to others and that is the best inspirational way to be.


Earlier this week, during a talk I was listening to, I learnt more about connecting with others within the work space, I learnt that one does not have to look up to feel inspired, or look up to have that “I want to be that senior person, I want that higher position”.  To feel aspirational inspiration to grow and become more, to strive for higher achievements, can just as easily come from those around you, those at your work level, or even lower.

Inspiration comes from that person, that aura they have, which you to want to emulate, that you want to take on board and exude the same way.

Encircular Beings

Aspiring to find that inspiration comes from you always being open to learn from others.  To spot that moment of inspiration you take on board to pass back your own Aspirational Inspiration and continue the circle.

Ask yourself again, do you Aspire to Inspire?  Or do you Inspire to Aspire?

#InspireToAspire #AspireToInspire #EncirclesOfLife #MakeEveryDayCount

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