Art has to have passion

Art has to have passion.  Having said that, passion is art.  Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, isn’t it?  So then it’s all what one individually sees from their own within, through their own artistic eyes, with their own heart’s passion

I am passionate about photography – for myself and for my own joy, my own rewards and my own fun.  Lately I have found myself sharing more of my photography passion with others (aka those of you currently reading this).  I just see a moment to capture. 

Sometimes the art itself actually lies in nature, discovered within her surrounds. 

Sometimes the art is in mans’ creations, found within and around what nature has offered

Does that mean I am an artist?  Who knows – for me, sharing the beauty with others and seeing joy within those others makes the passion come to the fore

Believing in oneself is paramount in life, no matter what path and journey you are on.  Dig in to find passion and make that your own art.  Paint your picture, make it your own, and allow others to see, even critique it. That’s what art is all about – showing off, allowing others in, and continuously creating your journey.  Re-routing your path when you need to, reflecting back as you follow your encircular path

Remember to make happy moments for every day and just capture what you see. It’s your art with your passion

Have fun!

#Findyourmoment, #captureyourart, #havefun #Encircles

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