Travel Paths

Travel Paths

Today’s Blog is brought about after what was truly a wonderful, memory-making, invigorating, inspiring and incredible holiday week in The Kingdom of Kerry.  Meeting new special people who will forever be with us, to sadly loosing those who in turn, made room for new, joyful life.


The tumultuous times around beautiful South Africa have brought even more home truths, to many and to myself personally.  As if the global Pandemic we are working through is not enough to test one, to push one’s boundaries of hope.  One’s heart is heavy for those affected by everything going on around us, as we sometimes find ourselves reaching our limits of strength and positive focus.


And then from nowhere, a nugget of resilience, a moment of pure joy, a flutter of happiness, a feeling of untold strength comes across our path – even for just that, a moment – and we find our way forward, our way through the next day, the next week.

We all need to stand, to stick together, to work together, to rebuild, regrow and keep one another strong.

Nature’s Choreography

I had the absolute, indescribable pleasure of being in the company of these beautiful, wondrous, sometimes elusive, yet always happy, Dolphins in Brandon Bay, Kerry.  Thank you to our amazing son whose drive to please and tenacity to achieve, led us to spending an amazing amount of time in their presence.  Their playfulness, their want to have fun, their incredible teamwork to romp, roll, dive, laugh, and enjoy their time with us is to be admired.

Take those moments of joy and focus that are there in your day, share them with everyone you can and bring happiness as much as possible.

Life’s Celebrations

We are living through some incredibly tough times all over the world.  Some may seem way tougher than others.  Amongst the strife and strain, there is still new life to celebrate, new wonders to see and be a part of.

It may be cliched, but it really is up to each of us to focus on those, find them in your day and believe in the good.

Keep safe everyone, be responsible, live as much as you can and love as hard as is at all possible.

#KeepSafe #BelieveInTheGood #YouGotThis #KerryKingdom #BrandonBay @DolphinFun #NaturalLifePhotographer

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1 thought on “Travel Paths”

  1. An amazing analogy of lifes forever circle.
    I find myself consumed in the miracles of life and the absolute amazement of what it offer.

    Yes I might be bias as you husband but I cannot even start to fathom the intensity in which you describe the wonders of what you see

    Your continued passion of what you see in the world through your eyes is nothing but remarkable
    Thanks for sharing your thoughts

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