Step out into the light and shine

Nature has this incredible effect on all that she surrounds.  She provides us all with the most stunning beauty.  Sometimes as a backdrop, sometimes as the focus of the moment

As we have explored some incredible historical outdoors in Ireland, I found myself opening my eyes to more and more of her stunningly spectacular offering.  Sometimes completely blown away by the simplistic, yet magically majestic, beauty we see

The roll out of 2020 has changed how we travel, but not how we actually explore

Birds, animals, water and plant life, have the privilege to just revel in their magnificent surroundings.  Nature offers food, shelter and beauty for them, always in a continuous circle.  Always growing around them, always encouraging their own sounds of joy and happiness every day.  Feeding their energies and feeding their families.  They in turn grow and develop their own circles of life and continue the encircle which brings nature and life together

It’s up to us to spot this beauty and get involved for ourselves.  Let it into our lives and become as happy with everyday life as the birds, fish, animals and plants are in their lives, always conjoined with nature

So go ahead, look for your inner frame to frame with your own, natural beauty.  Create your path, take the steps with ease.  Open the gates and step onto your own shining platform.  Then draw your own colours, soften your own edges, warm your waters and continue your circle of joy

Life is for living, every moment of every day

Even if restricted in movements these days, open your mind and create happy travels

#StaySafe #LifesOpportunities #StepAndShine

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